Le espressioni tipiche per proporre una call o una riunione

Pubblicato il 22/09/20 12.30

Le espressioni tipiche per proporre una call o una riunione - Wall Street English

Nella vita lavorativa può capitare spesso di dover proporre riunioni o call. I destinatari della comunicazione possono essere colleghi, collaboratori, fornitori o anche clienti: a seconda della situazione, occorrerà utilizzare toni più o meno formali. Normalmente, la convocazione per una riunione può essere inoltrata per iscritto (tipicamente via mail) o anche oralmente, se ci si trova in un contesto informale. 

Ciò che è indispensabile, in ogni caso, è utilizzare le espressioni giuste: di seguito trovi tante frasi da cui prendere spunto! Su questo argomento ti consigliamo anche di leggere l'articolo "Gestione di una riunione in inglese: Starting, Discussing items, Ending".


Se vuoi scoprire tutti i segreti per un perfetto business english invece, ti consigliamo il nostro articolo dedicato.


Espressioni tipiche per proporre un meeting o una call

Prima di tutto ti forniamo alcune espressioni tipiche per invitare ad una riunione o ad una call:

Tono formale

I would like to arrange an appointment to discuss….

I would like to request a meeting with you to finalise details of…

Would you be able to participate to a call about….

Please would you indicate a suitable time and place to meet?

Would it be possible to meet on Wednesday at our office to discuss…?

Tono informale

Can we meet (up) to talk about…?

Why don’t we arrange a call to discuss this?

Would you be available on Monday?

Let’s say Wednesday. Are you free?

Would Thursday suit you?

What about…?


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Due esempi di mail formale per proporre una riunione

Esempio 1:

Dear John, 

I’d like to call a meeting to discuss our strategy and to establish guidelines for… The meeting will be held at our office on Monday from 3 to 4. Please find attached the agenda.

You are kindly requested to confirm your attendance. I look forward to seeing you then.

Yours sincerely,

Esempio 2: 

Dear Marketing Manager,

Our company, [Name], would like to request a meeting with you to discuss the services that we can offer you. [Details Of Service] Please contact me with an opening in your schedule so that we can arrange a meeting.


Due esempi di mail informali per proporre una riunione

Esempio 1: 

Hi John, 

Would you be free for a meeting on Monday at 3?

I’d like to discuss the new digital marketing strategy with you. See the agenda. 

Please confirm that this date suits you. 


Esempio 2:

Hi Jack,

Can you attend a meeting on Wednesday at 10?

It’s about the new Social Media strategy. I’ve prepared an agenda (attached).

Please confirm as soon as possible.

See you later.

Frasi da dire oralmente per proporre una riunione

Se proponi una riunione face to face, ecco le frasi che puoi utilizzare:

Hi Mark, would you be free for a meeting later some time tomorrow about HR strategy?

Hi Janet, I think we need to go over last quarter sales figures. Are you free on Monday at 3?

Sure, Joe, shall we say at around 11 in the boardroom to discuss this?

Proporre una call in modo formale

Dear all, 

I propose that we have a conference call on Friday, 12 July at 9:00am (Washington DC Time). This should be 11:00pm in Sydney, 2:00pm in U.K, and 3:00pm in Norway. The objective of this conference call is to discuss the implementation of address leveling proposed by David Smith. Please let me know your availability as soon as possible. Those TC members who missed the last conference call are requested to attend without fail this time.

Kind regards

Proporre una call in modo informale

Esempio 1: 

Hi Joe, I would like to schedule 30 minutes next week for a conference call with you to discuss:

1) The status of XYZ project

2) Marketing materials for the ABC program

3) Preparations for the LMN conference

I’m available either: Monday at 2 or Tuesday at 10 or 4. Do any of those times work for you? If not, please let me know what is convenient for you so I may plan accordingly.

I look forward to the call.

Thank you,


Esempio 2: email informale a un potenziale cliente

Hey John!

Mind if we hop on a (strictly timed) 15 minute call tomorrow?

I’d love to:

— Show you what our top clients is doing to get more emails.

— Show you where you site is lacking conversions.

— See if I can improve your conversions on the spot.

Does 4pm – 4:15pm on Tuesday sound good?

Talk soon,


Annullare la riunione o la call: frasi utili

Infine, cosa succede se, a causa di un imprevisto, ti vedi costretto ad annullare o rimandare la riunione o la call? Ecco le espressioni che ti possono essere utili in questo caso: 

Frase più formale: Unfortunately, due to some unforeseen business, I will be unable to keep our appointment for tomorrow afternoon. Would it be possible to arrange another time later in the week? I apologise for any inconvenience.

Frasi informali:

I’m afraid that I have to cancel our meeting on Monday, as something unexpected has come up. Would you be free to meet early next week? I’m sorry about cancelling. 

I’m so sorry for the late notice, but I need to cancel today’s call. Are you free tomorrow at the same time?

My apologies, I need to cancel our meeting. Something’s come up and I need to reschedule.

I’m really sorry I can’t make it for our call today. Can we reschedule? I’m free at 3 p.m. on Friday.

Hi Janet! I’m really looking forward to meeting you on Skype, but I have to apologise because I need to cancel our meeting. I was confused by our time zone difference, so I need to reschedule to later in the evening. Is 7pm okay for you?


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Argomenti: Business English